HBS Club of MN - Women's Alumnae Network

Join us January 8th from 5-7 pm 

We'll reconvene for the first time in a few years to share stories, share some food, and hear from two amazing local alumnae who just attended the FIRST EVER "Women's Leadership Summit" at HBS!   Location is 33 Cooper Circle, Edina, MN 55436. Contact us for more info or if you'd like to suggest more events or host an event.

This event is open to Harvard Alumnae only. By signing in with your HarvardKey, your Harvard affiliation will be provided to the organizers. If you register a guest, please include her name, Harvard affiliation, and optionally her email address in the RSVP form that appears when the ticket order is complete.

When and Where?


5:00PM - 7:00PM Wed 8 Jan 2025, Central timezone


Member's Home
33 Cooper Circle
Edina, MN 55436

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