Interviewer Appreciation Event and Interviewer Training in October

We are pleased to announce that the Harvard Club of Minnesota – Schools and Scholarship Committee is organizing a Harvard Interviewer Appreciation Event as well as several Interviewer Training Events  in October.  Joining us will be Tia Ray, Harvard’s Admission Director for Minnesota in the Admissions Office in Cambridge.  We would like to invite our current and new interviewers as well as anyone who may be interested in interviewing in the coming season. Here are the details around the events:
                Event 1:                Harvard Club of Minnesota (HCM) Interviewer Appreciation and Training 
                                            When:  Tuesday, October 21, 7pm – 9:30pm 
                                            Location:  Minneapolis Club - 729 2nd Avenue South, Minneapolis
                Event 2:                HCM Interviewer Training   
                                            When:  Wednesday, October 22, 12n-1:30pm (This will be lunch-time event for those who prefer that hour of the
                                                       day... a light lunch will be served) 
                                            Location:  At the home of Alex Kalina
                Event 3:                HCM Interviewer Training and Appreciation 
                                            When:  Wednesday, October 22n, 6pm-8:30pm 
                                            Location:  Duluth, Minnesota, Kitchi Gammi Club, Marine Room, 831 East Superior Street 
Please RSVP to which event you would like to attend, so that we can plan for room size, materials and refreshments.
Thank you for your service to Harvard in Minnesota.