Looking for Hosts for Winter Potluck Dinners

If you would like to participate in a small gathering where you can meet fellow members for a good meal and good conversation, consider hosting a dinner at your home this winter.

We are reviving the custom of club member winter potlucks and are looking for members to host them. To volunteer to host, contact the Club office at admin@harvardmn.org  or 612-871-2914 with the following information:

  • Host name(s), Harvard affiliations, and optionally, professions and or interests
  • Desired date and time (weekends, preferably)
  • Number of seats available
  • Address (revealed only to those attending)

We will then post the date and the number of places available in subsequent e-mail newsletters and on the Club website for guests to register. Hosts will offer one dish, and the guests—at the host’s request—will bring the rest.  You may have room for 4 guests, 6 guests, or 8 guests—you decide.  Once a table is filled, we will let you know who has signed up and you can then contact them to assign the dishes to bring.

Example of a posting:

Your Host is _________________, A.B. 1987, an attorney in private practice, and his wife ______, a public school teacher.  Table for 8 guests at ___’s Edina home.  Date: Saturday, January 22, 6:00 p.m.  Individual guests and couples are both welcome.  To register for this table, e-mail admin@harvardmn.org or call 612-871-2914.

We hope you will consider hosting. If you aren’t able to host this winter, consider being a guest. Watch upcoming newsletters for details of available dinners.